搜到40 条信息
  • 美国儿童英语绘本- I love you through and through -爱意满满

    创作,绘本由Caroline Jayne Church创作。讲述了男宝宝和他心爱的小熊相亲有爱,共同成长的故事,通过简单的短句和可爱的手绘图片,让孩子学到身体部位英语单词和部分情绪单词,是一本充满爱意的

    http://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-107759-1-1.html 2020-04-16

  • 《A Simple Case of Angels》电子书mobi+epub资源下载

    下载地址:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1nutDIKL [sell=5]密码: zr8t[/sell] 作者:Caroline Adderson 适合年龄: 8 - 11岁 语言: English 简介: Nicola’s adorable little dog June Bug keeps

    http://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-74825-1-1.html 2016-01-07

  • Bruno系列(2本)电子书mobi+epub资源下载

    Bruno系列(2本)电子书mobi+epub资源下载 下载地址:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qWRNssO[sell=5] 密码: y6vd[/sell] 作者:Caroline Adderson

    http://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-74818-1-1.html 2016-01-07

  • 动画片Louie路易小兔子(中文版)全集视频下载

    动画片Louie路易小兔子(中文版)全集视频下载 这部由法国知名创意团队Millimages与Marie Caroline Villand,协力制作的小兔子动画,最大的特点就是由Louie路易

    http://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-76443-1-1.html 2016-02-23

  • Eliza Bing Series 1-2 - Carmella Van Vleet 电子书mobi+epub百度云下载

    Eliza becomes certain that cake decorating is her destiny. Her parents insist that the summer "Cakes with Caroline" class is too expensive—especially given Eliza's history of quickly losing interest in things. Desperate to show them that she can be diligent, Eliza volunteers to take her brother's unwanted

    http://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-108104-1-1.html 2020-05-08