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  • 新世纪9A英语期中检测复习试卷8

    throughout the country 2. Start planning todo sth. 3. Be responsiblefor; take charge of 4. Consider sth;consider

    http://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-35126-1-1.html 2013-09-13

  • Gabby Duran Series 1-3 - Elise Allen and Daryle Conners 电子书mobi+epub

    the Association Linking Intergalactics and Earthlings as Neighbors (hereby known as A.L.I.E.N). Even extraterrestrials need a sitter now and then. No one was up for the task except Gabby. After accepting the top-secret position, Gabby is paired up with her first charge, a little alien

    http://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-92695-1-1.html 2017-12-12

  • Take在口语中常用的词组及短语

    万的美国人参加成人教育项目。 take down记下 Take down what I say . 把我说的话记下来。 take charge接管 Who will take charge of

    http://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-86888-1-1.html 2017-04-03

  • 我考了100分

    单词&词组rob of抢劫 shrink 收缩:刀.精神病学家;心理学家 charge 收费 sleop on it 把问题留在第二天解决,考虑一下 curs 治愈,解决 sirsn 汽笛,

    http://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-84447-1-1.html 2016-10-26