搜到595 条信息
  • 原版桥梁书 Salt to the sea 英文原版电子书和音频 百度云下载

    "Sepetys delivers another knockout historical novel...she excels in shining light on lost chapters of history and this visceral novel proves a memorable testament to strength and resilience in the face of war and cruelty."The New York Times:"Ruta Sepetys acts as champion of the interstitial people so often ignored—whole populations lost in the cracks of history." 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Z1OIanQWnqAnOhuLdr8ccQ [sell=30]提取码: 4pk4[/sell]

    http://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-107714-1-1.html 2020-04-14

  • 想给孩子买一些培养绘画能力的绘本,有推荐的吗?

    如Harold and the Purple Crayon 阿罗和紫色蜡笔 The Little Creatures Who Lost Collection小动物丢了什么(The Little Giraffe Who Lost Her Spots The Little Koala Who Lost His Tree)Go Away Big Green Monster走开大绿怪(这是本洞洞书,

    http://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-97162-1-1.html 2018-07-20

  • 小狗的铃铛--双语故事

    he became proud of himself and purposefully jingled his bell loudly so that everyone could hear him coming and pay attention to him. 突然,有一天,小狗的铃铛丢了,这一来,他走到哪儿就一点声音都没有了。人们也不朝他打招呼了,小狗觉得很奇怪,“哎,大家怎么都不理我了?” But one day the doggie lost his

    http://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-18665-1-1.html 2012-03-16

  • 大学英语三级单选

    ; got 19. The pen I___I____ is on my desk, right under my nose. A. think; lost B. thought;

    http://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-6751-1-1.html 2011-06-09

  • 小朋友今天冒出一句小牛里的句子

    Wilma had lost Catkin.老师不知所措,妈妈心花怒放。 到今天我们点读了8本,今天晚上换新的一轮。妈妈总是期待几本书都会念了之后才换,看了群里妈妈们的阅读计划,决定从善如流。小海也在继续。

    http://www.i-bei.com/baby/blog-112850-2365.html 2014-10-17