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  • take advantage of利用机会;占便宜

    take advantage of 利用机会;占便宜 classes. 这些课是免费的,你应该充分利用这个大好

    http://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-89271-1-1.html 2017-08-28

  • 《Bounders》电子书Mobi+epub资源下载

    Jasper is thrilled to have something new and different to do with other kids who are more like him. While learning all about the new technologies and taking classes in mobility—otherwise known as flying with jetpacks—Jasper befriends the four other students in his pod and finally feels like he has found his place in the world. But then Jasper and his new friends learn that they haven’t been told everything about Earth Force.

    http://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-74966-1-1.html 2016-01-11