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  • 《plcture books everyone should know》ib格式点读包下载

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    http://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-99002-1-1.html 2018-09-27

  • 人人学英语:英语词汇学习 英文原版 DK-English for Everyone

    000 entries is illustrated and available as an audio recording. Readers can write their own translations and work through hundreds of practice exercises to fix the English words in their minds and improve their English-language skills. English Vocabulary Builder makes vocabulary easier than ever to learn and remember.English for Everyone is an exciting and comprehensive self-study course for adults of all ages and levels learning English as a foreign language. 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ZpaBwbLptAMwynnrLrNYhQ [sell=30]提取码: ndjm [/sell]

    http://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-106486-1-1.html 2020-01-21

  • 牛津阅读树绘本阅读之 Everyone Got Wet 中文指导

    牛津阅读树这套分级相信无需我们再次介绍了!直接来说说分级4里面第 4-24Everyone Got Wet吧。 猛戳这里讲讲绘本中的一些无字书需要怎么引导阅读? 猛戳这里牛津阅读树Oxford

    http://www.i-bei.com/toarticle.php?id=31306 2018-04-25

  • 吴敏兰绘本精讲:《Everyone Poops》

    绘本展示及翻译:Everyone Poops(By Taro Gomi)《每个人都会拉便便》 An elephant makes a big poop 大象拉大便便 A mouse makes a tiny poop 老鼠拉小便便 A one-hump camel makes a one-hump poop 单峰骆驼拉出的是单峰的便便 And a two-hump camel makes a two-hump poop 双峰骆驼拉出的是双峰的便便 Only kidding! 开玩笑的啦!

    http://www.i-bei.com/toarticle.php?id=529690 2020-06-02