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  • 谁有Usborne 系列:My First Reading Library 50本套装音频MP3

    Buckle My Shoe The Daydreamer There Was A crooked Man The Tortoise and The Eagle King Donkey Ears Clever Rabbit and The Wolves The Old Woman Who Lives In A Shoe How Elephants Lose Their Wings The Genie In The Bottle The Dragon and The Phoenix Clever Rabbit and The Lion 没有哦,谢谢分享这套书哦。看过留名。。同求。。。。。我只有其中4本My First Reading Library 第一套50册音频

    http://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-62917-1-1.html 2015-04-02

  • My Reading Library 第二图书馆50点读包下载

    《小美人鱼》,《睡美人》,《长发公主》,《胡桃夹子》等,几乎每一本都是经典。大量民间故事和绘本故事。《木马屠城记》,《夜莺》,《豌豆公主》,《青蛙王子》等等。 第二图书馆50,从中级绘本

    http://www.i-bei.com/toarticle.php?id=30301 2017-08-25