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  • Harcourt分级读物:Sam Can 萨姆会

    Sam Can 萨姆会... Harcourt Leveled Readers: Grade K 分级读物: 幼儿园阅读思考:1. Who is the story about?这是有关谁的

    http://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-21415-1-1.html 2012-06-05

  • 练习1~6 全套 Complete Curriculum pdf网盘下载

    最近比较火的练习册合集,每一本都有700多页,扫描版高清图片文件比较大。包含6大学科的练习。纸质资源比较贵,购买了电子版分享给大家。 练习册,由Harcourt出版社开发,这套专门用于训练阅读

    http://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-106642-1-1.html 2020-02-26

  • Harcourt分级读物: Come In the Barn

    Come In the Barn 到谷仓里来Harcourt Leveled Readers: Grade K 分级读物: 幼儿园阅读思考:1. Why are Tim and Sis

    http://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-21411-1-1.html 2012-06-05

  • Harcourt分级读物:I Follow the Rules

    I Follow the Rules 我遵守规则 Harcourt Leveled Readers: Grade K 分级读物: 幼儿园 <文本> I Follow the Rules我遵守

    http://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-21434-1-1.html 2012-06-06